SmartRider is a reusable smart card, which allows easy, hassle free travel on Transperth services.
Did you know that your SmartRider card can also be used for the following:
Cashless Canteen Payment
Print and Photocopy Payments
RollCall Private Bus Payments
Student ID
Library Membership

Student concession card options
Several card options are available when schools order Smartrider cards, see below for explanations of the various options

Standard card that have not been customised to the school the student attends.
School customised

A card is designed to meet the schools design requirements and can be only ordered by the school.
Parent ordered school card

School allows parents to order the school designed card. The parent orders & pays online.
Student concession SmartRider application forms
Faulty Card Report
For reporting faulty primary and secondary school student concession SmartRider cards
School Bureau Registration Form
[For school use only]
To register with MonitorWA for student SmartRider personalisation requirements
To register with MonitorWA for student SmartRider personalisation requirements
School Registration form for Online Ordering
[For school use only]
Registration to allow online purchases
Registration to allow online purchases